Monday, February 8, 2010


Hello there
It's been a while since my last post, but only because I've been incredibly busy and sort of stressed. But tonight, I want to talk about the influences in my life. Even though it is the most obvious, I would definitely have to say my mom has influenced me in the past 4 years. She has turned into a very successful businesswoman, creating an incredibly large web of contacts and friends, which is something I strive to do in my life. I mean, the woman knows EVERYONE. I remember one time we were at the airport in Rome about to come home from vacation, and she saw someone she knew. There have been very few instances where she walks into a room and knows no one. I would definitely love to have those connections and that much success in my career.

The other very important thing that has shaped my life is volleyball. Not only did it provide me with keen problem solving, promote teamwork skills, and develop some of my leadership abilites, but it also taught me time management. All of these qualities are very important in life, but I think time management can make you fall faster than any of the others can. Because of the intense training schedule of club volleyball (practice 4 nights a week and tournaments pretty much every weekend in the spring) plus school workouts, not to mention mounds of homework, and only 24 hours in a day to accomplish it all, I was forced to organize and prioritize. It was no easy task, but I got everything finished.

My life has changed so much since high school graduation, but my influences have stuck with me. I honestly wouldn't have it any other way though. I am so glad I was influenced the way I was and I definitely feel as though it has made my college transition much easier!

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing what patterns and life lessons we grab ahold of early in life...will stay with us! Your mom sounds like a very special person...she has to be...she made you! kate
