Wednesday, February 24, 2010

To all high school seniors...

I know exactly how you feel right now. You are ready for spring break. You are SO ready to be done with high school forever. Most of you are DYING to get to college in the fall.

SLOW DOWN!! High School is just as much of a special time as college is, especially your senior year. Cherish every moment because lets be honest, college isn't a cake walk by any means. But because I have a semester and a half under my belt, I can give you some advice.

First of all, invest in a couple of warm jackets, gloves, and especially ear muffs. If you are going anywhere relatively cold, you WILL BE COLD walking to class. It's a fact. It's also not a bad idea to bring one of these jackets with you when you move in. I think you will be surprised at how cold it can get.

Secondly, don't be afraid to make friends. College is a fresh start for everyone and they all want to make new friends too. Being shy and inverted will get you nowhere and there is a possibility it could lead you to depression. That is never a good thing. On that note, I would also recommend going through Rush. Joining a sorority or a fraternity opens you up to 200 people that will be there for you if you need it. Also, there will be older people in your house who have taken your classes already or are in your degree program, which is extremely beneficial.

College is a great way to make life long friends, but you can't get too caught up in that aspect. I mean, college is first and foremost about going to class and graduating so you can have a future. Therefore, I highly recommend reading your text book even if it isn't required. It's much easier to understand your foreign professor if you have read what he is writing on the board. (And yes, you will have a professor that you can't understand.)

I also encourage everyone to get involved on their campus, whether it is the Student government, a bible study, or some other club. It is a way to meet new people and also something to look forward to if you have a rough week.

But if you get involved, you MUST MUST MUST stay organized. Actually, you need to stay organized anyway. Organization is key because you can plan ahead if you have 3 tests in one week, which does happen quite often. It allows you to plan ahead and manage your time. I was an organized person in high school, but even I have had to step up my game in college. Find a planner that works for you and use it. Everyone has their preferences and it will help you if you get a planner that is pleasing to your eyes. Sadly, I did this by buying my high school planner because I really liked the layout!

But finally, have fun! As I have been told, college is some of the best 4 years of your life. Enjoy it and take it all in. I know that the short time I have been here, I have had the time of my life, but I also made good grades too. It is all about balance and scheduling, but I guess in the long run, no fun will cause you stress which isn't a good thing!

So... have fun and take it all in, but don't do this in place of making good grades. Your parents will not be very happy with you if you fail out.

Good Luck with the rest of your senior year and with college next year!

Love always,

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