Monday, April 5, 2010

Who's Who

This lovely Monday evening, I had the pleasure of meeting my team for Homecoming Exec! I am on the campus involvement team, which means our team consists of many different types of people including sorority girls, frat boys, and multicultural group members. Everyone brought new and different ideas and had something valuable to say. There were some ideas brought up that I never would've thought to do, which is exactly why we are on a team! I definitely made 5 new friends today and I can't wait to see how our effort turns out.
From this, I learned that working with people really is a valuable tool. One person can't possibly brainstorm enough and come up with all the ideas themselves. Having a team of people can open up many new paths and thoughts that one person would never have come up with. This makes evolving and moving forward easier and broader. Especially for large tasks, it is important to divide up the work so it all gets done efficiently and quickly. I know with the tasks I was given that I would go insane trying to do all of this work. But with a team, we can divide up the work and I can be much less stressed.
As for my advice, I want all freshmen and incoming freshmen for that matter to GET INVOLVED EARLY. This job I got has opened so many doors for me and introduced me to people that I never would've known otherwise. Getting involved is a great way to meet new friends, as well as faculty members, and knowing employees can do A LOT more than you would think! Because I put myself out there, I had the opportunity to speak at the press conference for the new engineering building, which gave me about 10 other contacts, as well as public speaking practice! Knowing people can get you places much faster than trying to do it all on your own.

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